Computers can be very useful towards obtaining data and keeping records for a projects portfolio. By keeping data and storing the products revenue and expenses, I will be able to analyze which drink is the most popular at the best times of the year. I will also be able to compare and comprehend where the drink is bought the most, such as in a university environment or in a city environment like New York.
Using a program like Excel, this could all be done. Excel is very useful for a business because I can also make graphs. Graphs are very useful because I can see how the results instead of reading it off a confusing chart. Excel makes graph easily and are helpful for the business. It is helpful by I can show other companies and investors a chart of information on Food and Sleep Water, rather than have them read a bunch of information. I could put all this on a flash drive and it will be easy to travel with all my information. Also, I will be able to process number intensive accounting to keep good financial records.
I plan on creating a website to launch my new type of water . The website will allow me to explain how the water works scientifically, advertise, and help sell it. As learned in lecture privacy protection is very important. So I will obviously make it essential that I protect the companies identity and financial records. Also I need to make sure my privacy settings on social media sites and such are private, so my reputation is good when I sell to investors or other companies.
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